Friday, March 30, 2007

變成Assistant Buyer 了! 天阿!!在溫哥華還可以一天上11小時的班. 真xx的了不起!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lay off starting today unexpected. My whole department is eliminated. I am no longer sourcing coordinator, and I am taking a new role as assistant buyer. Very suprising for many people since there were 4 assistant buyers, now there are down to 2. and I took one spot.
My manager is still my manager, she became one of the two buying managers in the company. Dont know what happened, she stuck with me and i stuck with her I guess.

Friday, March 16, 2007

2004年10月回來溫哥華, 11月就開始寫blog了.......
像是記載了這幾年的生活一樣. 自台灣逃回溫哥華的生活.......
我, 也停頓在2006年的夏天.........



或者, 是思念一種感覺................

星期五晚上的溫哥華. 我想你....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


好感動喔!! 下班的時候竟然可以看到天還是亮的
最近班真的上很多.... 每天9~10小時.
跟台灣比起來是好一點啦. 但是, 我中午只吃20分鐘飯ㄋ. 上起來也是很操的.....

4月想去多倫多. 不知道有沒有人願意請幾天假跟我一起去. 剛剛看了多倫多的介紹網站.
ㄟ...... 我想4天就夠了.

夏天快到了....... 心情越來越好. 最愛溫哥華的夏天了.
喝咖啡, 踩沙灘, 曬太陽, 吹海風..... 晚上看星星......

超美, 超享受.....

下半年雨 + 1個月雪+ 2個月大風 + 3個月超讚的夏天 = 我最愛的溫哥華