Saturday, August 25, 2007

went to picnic today..... some kind of Taiwanese party....
From students to working professionals....
there are a lot of Taiwanese people fighting to live in the big apple ~

I truly think that people who live in the big city are more ambitious and more competitive too
more confident and social. meeting new people is fun...... but so far, i dont have any girlfriends except lovely Julie

John is going back to upstate tomorrow. i wish him all the best. he is the cutest 痞子 i have ever seen. and quite gentle too.

in terms of love and relationship, i am starting to learn that people like us wondering in other countries will never stay in one place forever. since long distance relationship is never an option for people like us. dont put too much into relationship will be suitable to handle heart broken situations. however, people become self protective and not brave. as old people saying dont get your hopes up too much so there is no disappointment. which is true. but i feel something will always be lacking in this relationship, which is love ~ so make the whole thing empty. even though you have somebody you still feel empty within. which is kind of sucks.

if relationship will never be perfect, why have one? why not just date different men everyday? perhaps we will be happier ? ? ? heart will never be broken.

will it ever be warmed and loved????

Will I be loved?

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Friday, August 17, 2007

終於成為紐約客了 !!!! oh yeah ~~~~

7月初拿了一只皮箱來到紐約. 每個月找地方住的顛沛流離. 在曼哈頓工作的快感, 原來上班當OL也可以這麼開心......

揮別居住10年的溫哥華. 記不得下不停的雨. 只記得美麗的沙灘和我最愛的星~
要跟亞洲的好朋友们說抱歉了.... 暫時我想留在大蘋果