Friday, December 31, 2004

say goodbye to 2004

Yeah ~~~~~ 悲慘的2004終於過了.

新年新希望....... 希望, 我只要比2004lucky一點就很高興了啦.......
oh.... 還有, master 一定要給我拿到, 然後有一份不錯的工作喔........... (如果全實現的話就比2004lucky很多了.... =.= heeheee)

祝大家新年快樂, 身體健康 !!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


今天名揚四海播到Gigi打電話給石頭, 但被美麗接到. Gigi以為是石頭的同事接的, 她就跟美麗說請他告訴石頭說她有很聽話, 沒有喝酒了, 她覺得時頭好關心她及她肚裡的baby, 覺得石頭適合當她孩子的爸. 美麗心知肚明, 她清楚的知道石頭會放心不下Gigi, 而不斷照顧Gigi和Baby. 於是, 就算再不忍心, 也勇敢的跟石頭分手, 把他讓給Gigi.


想了很久, 但還是不確定自己是Gigi type 還是美麗 type. 但我很肯定自己不是燕如 type. 燕如是secure type. She knows who she is, what she wants. Gigi is the needy and pathetic type. always need man to help her, to take care of her, without man, she is gonna fall. 美麗呢? she is the insecure type, questioning herself, having no confidence. i m not sure if she doesn't trust 石頭 or she doesn't trust herself. she just try to get away from the problem, try to prevent herself to feel hurt.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


每晚到了寫blog的時間就會有點頭痛. 不管怎麼努力就是想不起來我今天做了甚麼.......

這樣的情形讓我想起在景盛上班的日子. 在景盛上班的期間, 剛好碰到他們的旺季, 2004 Fall and holiday production. 寫日報表是我們的工作項目之一. 但我每天工作12個小時, 一刻也沒閒過, 做了一堆事, 但每天下班前, 卻一點也想不起來今天做了啥. 後來我非常痛恨日報表, 明明就是浪癈我的時間, 每天工作那麼久, 那麼忙, 難道老闆是瞎子不成?? 看不到我們努力的為他賣命嗎??? 除了日報表, 還有月心得, 跟季考績表要填呢. 真是討厭討厭非常討厭.
其實除了可惡的日報, 景盛上班的日子還滿快樂的. 有做主的權力, 有交心的同事, 當然也有做錯事被罵的勇氣. 但突然而來的腎餘炎讓我改變的我的生活及工作態度. 為甚麼我要每天做12個小時,每個月只賺3萬?? 我不想5年後10年後還是同樣的工作內容, 就算職稱會不同. 填了辭職信後, 就再也沒寫過日報表, 也不管辭職批准沒....... 23天沒寫過日報表, 大家叫我第一名........ 辭職是上飛機前4天才批準的. 不過管他準不准我也會準時上飛機回來參加畢業典禮. heeheee... =.="
其實我很愛我的主管Angela. 他是女超人, 幫我扛超多事, 他一天工作大概超過15小時吧...... 事情超多, 真不知要怪工廠太笨還是客人太挑.
總之, 日報表離我很遠了, 我走時有建議HR主管將日報表改成週進度表, 或員工定期考察表. 但聽說現在還是日報表. 有種你就不要寫.... 所以, 大家還是叫我第一名..............

anyways, 還是想不到我今天做了啥....... @.@" 晚安!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

2004 不平凡的聖誕節

南亞的人間天堂, 頓時間變成人間煉獄.......
在這世間沒有所謂的永恆. 看越多, 受越多, 感觸越深.

願罹難者在主裡安息, 願罹難家屬在主內堅強平安............

Saturday, December 25, 2004

聖誕火雞"腿"大餐 !!!

昨晚是聖誕夜喔. 你做了甚麼 ??

今年是我們全家人第一次一起過聖誕節. 每年聖誕都有人會不知道飛到哪裡去. 只有今年, 大家都留在溫哥華, 等待聖誕, 等待下雪..........
老媽本來想在昨天烤一隻全火雞, 但在大家極力反對下而放棄. 火雞那麼大, 雞胸肉那麼多, 又乾又難吃. 我忘不了三年前吃過乾巴巴的火雞肉(不是我們家烤的 =.="), 後來, 我們就決定烤火雞腿來當聖誕大餐~~~~~

昨天早上一起來就和小五去幫媽媽買菜 (小五付賬, 我這個米蟲姊還真癈 =.="). 在大統華我抱走了三盒大火雞腿. 真的是超大的, 每隻火雞腿都比我的頭還長...... 三盒一共九支..... 夠多吧!! 我媽下午醃火雞腿時, 我也趁機欺負Hobby一下. 抱起肥肥的Hobby, 讓他見見鍋子裡的六隻大火雞腿. 果然他兩眼瞪的超大, 恨不得馬上可以咬兩口!! 六個人六隻火雞腿, 應該是沒人吃的完才對, 大家應該都會很慷慨的餵Hobby吃才對. "吃這麼肥, 那晚上不要餵狗食好了" 我和我媽這麼想......

火雞腿果然肉Q, 鮮美又多汁..... 舉杯慶祝後大家就努力的, 忘我的啃著. 突然我看見焦急的Hobby在我們的腳邊鑽來鑽去, 跳來跳去.... 可是, 火雞腿太好吃了, 就算自己吃不完, 也不願分他一口 =.=". 等了半天, Hobby 終於等到小五吃完了整隻火雞腿, 賞他一支他從未嚐過的超長肉骨頭.....
但可憐的Hobby, 好好的聖誕大餐因為沒人慷慨的給他肉吃, 反而變成聖誕減肥餐........


今天ㄋ, 發生了甚麼事???
我兩星期前有寄卡片給他. 但在寫卡片時就有點擔心, 覺得他會收不到.....
現在, 聖誕過了, 他真的沒收到. @.@" 同一天寄給大姊姊和小三叔叔的卡片他們都收到了啊......
這是怎樣的sign ???

Thursday, December 23, 2004


想title是一件麻煩的事. 就是想不出來啊......... =.=

老爸今天生日ㄝ. 全家沒有一個人記得, 真糟糕. 還好有在外工作的小五, 老媽突然想起今天是老爸生日. 一通電話小五就帶蛋糕回來了.
早上起來發現自己臉越來越圓. 今天本來要開始我的減肥計劃的說. 但中午的義大利麵.很好吃, 就吃了一大盤. 晚上的菜很香, 飯就吃了兩碗. 蛋糕又香又滑, 就吃了一整塊. 今天頭有點昏, 就一點也沒運動. @.@" 呼拉圈搖了100下可以消耗幾大卡????

吃完蛋糕又和小五坐在電視機前看名揚四海了. 燕如和有錢的周先生相親, 但後來跟陳峰合好. 但她爸嫌陳峰窮, 叫他離開燕如. 美麗喜歡石頭, 石頭喜歡Gigi. 石頭和美麗在一起, 但又帶落難的Gigi回家. 人類果然是最複雜的動物. 現實生活中的我們, 和電視中的他們, 一樣混亂, 一樣徬徨吧!
我可以跟 J 說, don't just stay at home all day and wait for her to call u out. 但如果換做是我, T 來了, 我會不會一樣傻?

最近有朋友積極的為單身的我尋找溫哥華有身價, 有前途的單身漢呢. 真可愛!
Johnathan的媽也很可愛, 聽說我要讀NYIT, 說IT都有很多男生, 比我還Highㄋ.

單身的女生, 我們要因為沒有陷入複雜的愛情, 徬徨的情感, 而感到開心, 還是感到憂傷??

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

ramdon thoughts 4

真的是人老了, 腦袋不用就會生鏽...........
這兩天我都很努力的希望將一年前在UBC學的日文複習一下. 因為準備考 assesment test下學期可在Douglas繼續修. 就不用去遙遠的UBC了. 可是.............. 太久沒讀書了啦, 一個單字都背不住.......
晚上小五回來了, 就放棄讀日文, 和他一起看電視...... 繼續耍癈 =.="
不過名揚四海還滿好看的, 小五說他兩年前在台灣看過, 不是那種普通的偶像劇. 雖然是歌手演戲, 但一邊演戲一邊比手語可不事件容易的事...... 還有那個動力火車的男生, 身材不錯, 演的也還真好ㄋ.


聽說今天R回來了. 不知今天J的心情如何. 我就覺得滿慘的. 因為他一定每天粘著她, 因該是不會找我們去party.....
分手一年多, 始終愛著那個人, 到底是甚麼滋味 ??


yes corey, sometimes i do write in english. still wanna practice a bit ma ......


祝 Ken 考試成功喔.......... 以後開店, 買藥要算我便宜. ㄟ....... 應該是永遠都不用吃藥比較好........

Monday, December 20, 2004

out exercising for the whole day

ho~~~~ my body is so tired.... but my mind is still very clear.... i hope i can sleep well tonight.
nice weather today ne ...... those who spent the whole day in the office.... TOO BAD !!!!!!!!
heehee, i played basketball and tennis with my brothers today.... even tho we suck, but we had a lot of fun.....

A huge dog entered the tennis court while we played. he was like a tennis ball sucking machine, trying to pick up all the balls on the groud by his month..... thats right, an ultimate Ball Sucking machine..... his master was so proud, cause he can carry 3 balls in his mouth..... hehe... not two, but three....... my dog is too old, otherwise i would really wanna train him....

i called Su tonight, i thought he would stay here for a couple of more days, so we could go out for dinner.... =.=" since u will come back in January again....... Have a safe flight tomorrow....... ^^

Sunday, December 19, 2004

SuperSize me

a must see movie for those of u who haven't seen it.
i was so suprised that the super size coke and fries @ MacDonald in Canada is actually more like a medium size in US MacDonald..... their super size coke is about 2 liters.... @.@"

for me, the shocking truth is, people are not suppose to eat fast food at all! if u really want to, only once a month is acceptable...... =.=" i love fast food.......... i used to eat fast food for at least once a week when i was in UBC..................

Friday, December 17, 2004

華僑兵役問題 III



Thursday, December 16, 2004

華僑兵役問題 II

Jeffery, 昨天我爸看網路新聞的啦

今天報紙有 ...............

請見今天的世界日報 A7版
title: 接近役齡小留學生返台限制放寬每年累計未逾183天 即可自由出入境 持有雙重國籍的僑民役男亦將比照辦理

"至於僑民返台服兵役, 依歸台僑民服役辦法現行規定, 僑民役男返台連續居住滿一年或居住逾四個月達三次, 應予徵及服役; 結果部分僑民役男藉此規避兵役義務, 在實質居住期限屆滿前出境,逃避被徵集的命運, 為防止此一弊端, 這次也重新修訂, 規定有雙重國籍僑民, 即使持外國護照入境 , 在台灣實質居住有兩年的累積居住逾183日, 即應徵及服役."

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


那天我在Stan的留言板上說 "突然感覺愛一個不愛你的人是個自虐行為~~~~". Stan給我的答案讓我感到驚奇............

總比忘了怎麼去愛一個人要來的好吧? "

總比忘了怎麼去愛一個人要來的好! 換個角度看, 生命更美好~~~~ ^________^


今天聽到我爸說, 華僑要當兵了!? 聽說原本每四個月出境一次的華僑可因此不用服兵役, 待在台灣工作. 但現在要改成, 每年在台灣超過183天, 或兩年在台灣183天 (我搞不清楚), 就要當兵!! 你們在台灣工作的加拿大男生, 自己去問清楚喔~~~ 不過我覺得這樣滿白痴的. 台灣的經濟越來越差, 工作環境也越來越差. 現在又要當兵. 是想要大家再移民一次喔 ??? =.=

Monday, December 13, 2004


今天真是辛苦........ 為了找 Notary public 我跟我爸兩個人可是開遍了半個高貴林ㄋ. 所有的奇怪律師都提早過聖誕是怎樣, 每個人都放假. 好不容易找到了一間, 但appointment是明天, 而且還是幫我 squeeze in.... 要不是為了下學期可以上課, 我才懶的弄ㄋ!!!

不過中午吃了好久沒吃的越南牛肉河粉, 心情就好了很多. 烤肉乾米粉還是一樣的香.... hee hee heee. 午餐後我幫Hobby買了狗狗鞋....... 我可是找了很久才找到 waterproof and XS size, 準備下雪時帶他去玩雪穿. 寵物狗當然是比較嬌生慣養, 太熱要在腳掌噴水, 太冷要穿鞋啦. 但回到家幫牠試穿, 發現穿上鞋就不會走路了...... =.=" 怎麼辦 ??

Merry X'Mas

this is so cute ~~~

thanks to Evon

Sunday, December 12, 2004

msn is strange ~~~

my msn is so strange....
i m able to log on to my old account which is but i m not able to log on to my new account which is the reason i created the new account is because i found that almost all of my list in the old account disappeared two months ago...
now, i have my list added to my new account, but i can't use it.... !!! whats the matter with MSN ??!!!!!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

random thoughts 3

when was the last time i posted something here? =.="
i wasn't gone, just too tired, haven't been sleeping for 3 days actually.......

Corey must be expecting me to post something "meaningful" these three days.... because he complained how boring my blog is and we did learn some meaningful aspects about life from Su the other day.

now it is time to refresh my memory and think about what he said except business and $$.
............... um............... what i remembered the most was "the higher the expectation, the harder u fall......" it sounds like an old saying, but when it came out of Su's mouth, it really means something. why? because Su almost die at an car accident....... he learns to enjoying life and appreciate it better too. but what is about the expectation thing??? ... oh i said, maybe one day i would be able to get back with him. Su told me, ya, maybe, but u can't live with that expectation everyday......... if u set ur expectation too high, if u reach it, u wouldn't be happy about it because u expect it to happen. however, if u don't expect that much, when it happens, u will overjoy.... on the other hand, if ur expectation is just at normal level, if u can't get what u expect, u won't feel too sad about it.... but if u expect too much and u don't get what u expect, it is time u fall hard.....

u may not understand what i m saying here due to my lack of communication ability in english....
我知道我摔不起, 但我學不會啊! 三個月過去了, 我還在等待我的玫瑰花...........

白雪公主的故事在現實生活裏永遠都不會實現, 這樣也學不會嗎????

Sunday, December 05, 2004


我媽晚上回來就一直拿著教會合唱團的歌譜, 緊張的不停的問 "雪莉你會不會彈? 幫我 一下, 我不知道何時要進."
本來是很想拒絕的但心想還是幫一下好了. 雖然國小學了五年的鋼琴, 但從放棄至今, 也有10年沒有再彈過了. 每次彈也只是彈那一百零一首夢中的婚禮. 小時後很喜歡鋼琴跟唱歌. 放棄鋼琴是因為在台灣進了私立國中之後, 生活就變的枯燥且忙碌. 考不完的試和比不完的名次. 又剛好彈到一個程度遇上瓶頸, 在痛苦之中掙扎不久後, 就因而放棄了. 現在在教會,每次看到司琴輕快的彈過每個旋律, 我的心理都會羨慕不已.
手中接過媽的歌譜. 真是我的媽呀!! 一看到四個音符黏在一起的豆芽菜, 差點沒昏倒. 這不知要練多久才會彈前奏呢! @.@" 所幸我聰明, 試了10分鐘後, 用我的雙手彈會了那短短的四小節前奏. 溫哥華的家沒有鋼琴, 只有小五以前玩DJ用的電子琴. 電子琴的鍵較小, 琴鍵也較鬆. 想要用我長了長長的指夾的手指清處的彈湊每個音, 真是有些困難.
anyway, 反正只需會彈前湊, 讓媽知道哪裡進歌就好了..... 主旋律就單手帶過吧~~~~~

真想再學鋼琴, 只要能邊彈邊唱就好~~~~

Saturday, December 04, 2004

today ~~~

今天~~~ 大雨!大雨一直下啦! 就沒帶我的狗去散步了. 不過不代表他就不用#$#%^好不好. 下大雨時ㄋ, 牠想上廁所時, 會去抓門. 然後我們就只需要把門打開, 牠自己會去院子做該做的事, 然後在自己衝回家. 聰明吧!
今天算是一個無聊的一天吧......... 除了幫忙打字以外, 我還做了啥ㄋ???? 對了, 我有幫Hobby剪屁屁的毛喔. 在溫哥華狗美容是很貴的ㄋ. 能省則省, 再說在台灣也常常看我堂姊剪狗啊. 常看專業美容師剪毛, 我就有樣學樣的把它的屁屁毛修了一下. 雖然是有點參差不齊. 但, 屁屁還是很圓啦... heeheee

下午吃到了紅豆餅喔! 還是我媽請朋友辛苦開車去Richmond買的呢. Richmond對我們這種住在深山叢林裡的人來說還是真遠呢!! 做1個小時車來的紅豆餅, 雖然需要微波, 皮不脆, 但還真香呢~~ 想念台灣的紅豆餅~~~~~

remind myself about NYIT...making decision right now

NYIT Excels Again in U.S. News & World Report Rankings
Publication Date: September. 26, 2001
U.S. News & World Report has released its 2002 rankings of America's best colleges and, for the third consecutive year, NYIT has been consistent in its ranking as a Tier 2 regional university in the North region, and continues to be one of the highly ranked schools in our region in any category.
In the 2002 U.S. News & World Report rankings, all of NYIT's numbers improved, most notably the jump in academic reputation to a 3.0 rating. NYIT's School of Engineering also ranked 37th in the nation in its classification.
"The most significant and rewarding development for NYIT has been the continued rise in our academic reputation," said Dr. Edward Guiliano, president of NYIT. "This is one more bit of evidence that our peer institutions are taking notice of our quality programs and one more indication that we are delivering on the promise of our name and on a quality educational experience for our students."

Thursday, December 02, 2004


下午去了Pattison college, 問了有關NYIT MBA的相關問題. 其實滿想去讀的, 又不貴. 可是很怕是人人都可讀的學店. 那我的MBA degree就......了.
之後,我去了UBC拿transcript跟找Jason, 自從我回來, 都還沒見過他ㄋ.... 他終於瘦了...ㄏㄏ. Pavel做的晚餐不錯吃!!! 晚餐後我跟Jason去了UBC裡面新開的Starbucks...... 還蠻多人的.
我現在很想睡, 根本不知要打甚麼, 請大家原諒我的敷衍>.<"

anyway, if anyone know anything about NYIT, please let me know ...thank u~~~~~~