今天名揚四海播到Gigi打電話給石頭, 但被美麗接到. Gigi以為是石頭的同事接的, 她就跟美麗說請他告訴石頭說她有很聽話, 沒有喝酒了, 她覺得時頭好關心她及她肚裡的baby, 覺得石頭適合當她孩子的爸. 美麗心知肚明, 她清楚的知道石頭會放心不下Gigi, 而不斷照顧Gigi和Baby. 於是, 就算再不忍心, 也勇敢的跟石頭分手, 把他讓給Gigi.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
想了很久, 但還是不確定自己是Gigi type 還是美麗 type. 但我很肯定自己不是燕如 type. 燕如是secure type. She knows who she is, what she wants. Gigi is the needy and pathetic type. always need man to help her, to take care of her, without man, she is gonna fall. 美麗呢? she is the insecure type, questioning herself, having no confidence. i m not sure if she doesn't trust 石頭 or she doesn't trust herself. she just try to get away from the problem, try to prevent herself to feel hurt.
美麗是因為她堅強, 她懂, 才放棄石頭ㄉ...
她不是 "insecure type, questioning herself, having no confidence"... 是因為她了解, 從小石頭就是喜歡 GiGi...
石頭喜歡GiGi 喜歡ㄌ超過 12 年... 這是沒有人可以改變ㄉ...
而石頭對 GiGi ㄉ愛也不是 美麗喜歡石頭超過 12 年就會減少ㄉ...
美麗非常清楚這一點... 之前他也從未放棄過, 但這次 GiGi 有ㄌ孩子! 她終於犧牲ㄌ自己ㄉ愛情...
她不是不相信石頭, 她不是不相信自己... 她是相信石頭對 GiGi ㄉ愛跟她對石頭ㄉ愛一樣, 不是輕易就能改變ㄉ...
I agree with little five. 只有成全才是真正懂得愛. 在成全之後才有碧海藍天. (This is Paul)
the love theory is from one of my HOMEC class in UBC la , that class was called Relationship Science. it helps professionals to analyse people's relationship and give comments to those couples who need help, but i don't think it really help people to do well in their relationship tho......
Five and Paul,
it is not even Stone's kid la ... and he chosed mei li already ya... what the hell is up with him ? i wanna find out later on.....
About Mei Li, um, she should trust Stone's love to her ba .... why is everything so mess up ???
至於成全.... um.... @.@"
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