午飯是2點吃的 吃了自己煮的patato燉紅蘿蔔+ 1碗飯 還有一大盆水果莎拉
晚飯吃了一大碗飯很多菜 + 1根雞腿
剛剛又吃了兩片芭樂 + 1根雞腿 + 一些chips 還有一條cheez string(跟狗一起吃的)
吃了整晚, 終於不餓了........ 貞不知這樣會肥幾磅 =.="
Saturday, January 29, 2005
昨天功課寫到三更半夜, 又是ECON害的. @.@"
昨天又跟印度人討論Project的事. 我們不同組但做同一個Topic. 突然之間變成了我們組的Group Leader, 只好努力聯絡大家, 要選和印度人那組不同的Subtopics. 我應該是最slack off的leader吧.因為老師都沒有我的e-mail真是太神奇了...........
昨天又跟印度人討論Project的事. 我們不同組但做同一個Topic. 突然之間變成了我們組的Group Leader, 只好努力聯絡大家, 要選和印度人那組不同的Subtopics. 我應該是最slack off的leader吧.因為老師都沒有我的e-mail真是太神奇了...........
Thursday, January 27, 2005
這幾天努力的享受當學生用功讀書又努力混的感覺........之前跟大家一樣, 覺得 patternson college 就是混就好了. 雖然不是真的只想和大家一樣混, 但想要學的輕鬆一點. 但是..... 一點都輕鬆不起來. project, homework......... this is only the third week, i feel like live in hell........NYIT !!!
不過這幾天也有好事喔. 像是前天Paul幫我把我的電腦搬回來了....... ^_______________^. 好久沒用自己的電腦, 好開心喔. 前天Paul陪我去買speaker. 還買到promotion的喔. 貞的像廣告說的又好又便宜. $30加稅還有sub woofer. 好用的電腦, 加好聽的音樂. 很滿足!
本來今天要和Jason跟Jeffrey去唱歌, 但是, 每月兩星期的失眠又開始了, 而且還提早了. >.<" 不得已只好cancel. Jason很pissed. 因為我常常不舒服cancel出去玩的事. 我也不想, 但貞的是老了........
昨晚狂作夢, 夢到老爸開天上飛的敞篷車載我去上學, 結果車拋錨就掉在一堆石頭的路上.我們下了車就努力的跑因為路邊有好多灰色的鱷魚要追我們.....早上起來就覺得跟沒睡沒兩樣.
上午撘爸爸的便車去broadway station坐捷運去上學.到站下車一後碰到一個長的像古老傳說了的吸血鬼伯爵跟我搭訕.說我有美麗的笑容,問我是不是來學英文?問我要不要有空一起喝咖啡.我說上課遲到了,就匆忙跑開.不是因為他長的像吸血鬼伯爵而拒絕.他也太老了一點.大概40了吧.我也不喜歡跟路人換電話號碼,就算是帥哥也不會!
既然小五一直傳message那我就來寫一下好了.想要得到最簡單ㄉ幸福, 其實是最困難ㄉ.今天的名揚四海,美麗說了這一句話.人類是複雜的動物,越是簡單,卻也越是遙不可及....石頭的幸福樂園在現實世界裡會不會有人打造?被愛是甚麼感覺?甚麼是簡單的幸福?為甚麼那麼遙遠??
Monday, January 24, 2005
你!!!! 就是你!!!!!!! 那個討厭的同學!覺得自己已經是一個個性溫和的人了. 很久很久都不記得討厭一個人是甚麼感覺.
但是, 班上有一個聰明但沒品的男人. bossy就算了, 都把別人當白痴. 在我心理, 他是沒有口德, 自以為是的人. 真是討厭他到一個極限. 能夠讓不會討厭別人的我討厭他, 真該幫他拍拍手!! 還好只有一個小assignment跟他同組.
想知道他的嘴臉嗎?? 請看126台 10:30pm 名揚四海. 他就跟Eric是一樣, 長的也滿像!!!
Sunday, January 23, 2005
好久沒有做這種事了......為了明天要去教會和出去吃晚飯, 今天很努力的想把星期一要交的ECON功課寫完. 但是!! 太久沒讀 econ 了啦. 以前大學econ都是混過的, 真的一點都不記得econ是啥. >.<" ......... 短短30頁, 讓我讀了一整天. 8題功課寫到現在都超過半夜1點了還有一題不會....... 但感謝 Jeffrey 幫我重新記憶 quadratic equation. 但他也提醒我, 竟然連10年級數學也記不得, 還有大一caculus也記不起來, 看來這學期Econ是很難混了........
can anybody help me to answer the following questions:
1. does the point of minimun long-run average costs always represent the optimal activity level?
2. how to do return on sales?
Thursday, January 20, 2005
finally ~~~~~~
終於~~~~~~~ finally i have time to post something here .....evon, i was too busy la... not being lazy ~~~~ thats why theres no update here........
what have i been doing for the past two weeks????
i have been so busy with my intessive Marketing class......
I get up at 7 am every morning for my 9am class @ downtown.
does anyone take sky train during the rush hr ????? wanna know how packed it is ???? chinese say 沙丁魚....to describe how crowed a place is.... i say, i felt li was more like grounded pork...... small pieces sticks together..... @.@" anyways
my intessive marketing course is taught by professor from NYIT New York campus. Dr. GK, he is so funny and nice. i would recommand everyone to take his class..... even tho he made me to read 8 chapters in 10 days........ >.<". but i done my midterm today. no more class tomorrow..... i can finally sleep until 10 or 11 every morning again .......
so i only have 3 courses left for the term, um not exactly free cause i still need to do group project and prepare for final exam for marketing. but at least i only need to go to downtown 3 times in the afternoon each week.
Monday, January 10, 2005
First day of school
Today is the first day of school. I had a 3 hr economics class.....almost fall into sleep during class..... is it too boring ??? or too hard that i don't understand so....
anyway, i was away from school for the whole year in 2004. now it is 2005, i m back to school life again. i just feel kind of happy and kind of sad.....
i was so pissed today tho, cause the school staff told me i am on the wait list for Econ 601. how can i be on the wait list ? i registered so early...... =.=". i think those staffs are pretty mess up. they always don't know what they are doing.....
i m so sleepy, i m going to sleep now ..... i didnt sleep well last night, so i couldn't concentrate during the class, and found myself didn't understand english most of the time during class......
anyone is also taking NYIT MBA ????
anyone is selling MIST 595 textbooks ???? please let me know 3q3q.......
Sunday, January 09, 2005
明天就要上學了..... 現在先來交代一下.......昨天, 停在coquitlam Estea upper parking lot 的那部屁股被撞的銀色箱型車....... 我有看到是一部鏟雪車, 車號 0277HL 撞的.
um..... 病了一星期還沒好. Ken, 沒去你的party實在很抱歉, 不想將感冒傳染給大家......
JEffery, download hellow still doesn't work.
Correy, what resize thing are u talking about?
Evon, "img src...." doesn't work too......
um.... 看來還是等我電腦回來後再去纏 Jeffery好了...........
感謝 Paul 把我的電腦搬回去修了....
昨天才知道甲狀腺有問題的人不是暴瘦就是狂肥. 本小姐命不好屬會肥的那種. 難怪就算不吃止喝水都還是一樣重. 沒肥到超過60kg已感謝上帝~~~~~
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
being sick
I m sick again! being sick at the beining of a new year sucks...... really hopping that he would sms me or call me and ask me how i m , but in my dream i guess. >.<"i have been sleeping for two days..... =.="
whats fun recently ?? um....... 我們家來了一張乒乓球桌.... 還滿好玩的. i havent been playing table tennis for about 8 years. it is good that finally i can exerise at home. it is so cold in vnacouver now. i wonder why it doesn't snow. every moreining, everything outside of the window is white, but its not covered with snow tho, just because it is cold enough to freeze the water on the plants and car. what does it call in english ???