Tuesday, January 04, 2005

being sick

I m sick again! being sick at the beining of a new year sucks...... really hopping that he would sms me or call me and ask me how i m , but in my dream i guess. >.<"
i have been sleeping for two days..... =.="

whats fun recently ?? um....... 我們家來了一張乒乓球桌.... 還滿好玩的. i havent been playing table tennis for about 8 years. it is good that finally i can exerise at home. it is so cold in vnacouver now. i wonder why it doesn't snow. every moreining, everything outside of the window is white, but its not covered with snow tho, just because it is cold enough to freeze the water on the plants and car. what does it call in english ???


At 4:06 PM, Blogger NeoXaser said...

You are sick again???

Come out and party ma~~~ It'll make u feel better~


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