Friday, March 18, 2005
剛去Coquitlam Center拍passport photo. 結果, 因為我的臉會反光, 所以只能用黑白照. 拍的有夠醜, 還要20塊, 搶錢........ 等照片時買了一個小像框...... 剛好可以裝這張...... ^^
有一次奶奶來溫哥華, 我們去拍的卡. 烏漆媽黑的是我小弟啦, 站太近, 就看不見了.........
真的不能再走進 Urban Behavior 了. 每次進去買不到3件以上的衣服是不可能走出來的. 到底發生了麼事??? Urban Behavior 's targeting young adults, i guess 14 to 25...... everything is so cheap in price and fsahion forward in style..... sizes are small small small..... so because comparing with canadian, i m short and thin, everything in the store is made for me ....... except pants, i still need to shorten them...... most women at my age like to dress like modern and mature, but me, i like bright colors that shows a little youthness and a little style......
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