Friday, April 22, 2005



老爸跟老媽冷戰第N天了. 今天老媽超神奇.
因為我早上起床吃完早餐後, 就和charles跟sean去打籃球. 打完籃球回家後就洗了2間廁所.
然後突然覺得肚子超俄. 看了下鐘發現已經下午1點了.
走上樓心想媽應該煮好午餐了吧. 結果廚房爐子上空無一物, 冰箱裡也是.
火冒三丈耶!!!! 早上起來到中午勞動那麼久. 還要我煮飯是怎樣?? 要不是老爸還有兩個弟弟也要吃飯我就出門了. 看了半天也沒東西煮. 眼看已1:30了, 2:00大長今就要開始了. 煮泡麵吧, 最快........

邊看電視, 邊吃泡麵, 心情就好一點了......... 看完大長今, 休息了一下, 開始整理房間.
小五回來2個多禮拜了, 他幫我帶的一箱行李再我房間地上躺了好久. 因為衣櫥裡沒有一格一格可以放衣服的櫃子. 只有一排板子, 裡面的衣服已亂成一團. 不想再亂塞. 就任由行李箱躺在那裡.
裝上IKEA整理格. 抱出行李箱裡的衣服. 一件一件分類擺好. 原本衣櫃裡的衣服也拿出來一件一件分好. 擺整齊. 現在的衣櫃艮美了喔. 整理後就有很多空位了. 可以擺更多衣服 :P.........

整理的差不多了. 血糖有點低, 頭有點昏. 吃點點心後, 回到房間看達文西密碼. 真的很好看. 已經看一半了.....
正在想晚上是不是找朋友出去吃飯晃一晃的時候, 老媽出現了. 幹麻??? "我要帶HOBBY出去一下, 不要等我吃晚飯...." shit..... that means i have to make dinner too =.=". "the most slacking off mom" as i compliane, i lied back to my bed and keep reading the novel.

6pm, dad and brothers came back.... i went up stairs and told them we were gonna have dumpling for dinner.... dad was suprised when he saw me, cause he thought i went out not mom. then he sounds a little bit upset and asked "are we have nothing to cook int he frig?" .... of course not, what is he thinking... since they are in cold war, no one goes grocery shopping........

anyway la ...... can't go out and have to eat dumpling...=.= what a nice friday night......
after dinner i went to clean the basement, vacuuming, moping the floor.
孝慈阿姨就了我一命. 因為啊, 我正要收吸塵器時媽叫我去吸廚房. 都晚上10:30了還吸. "明天再吸..."我回她. 不知道她本來有沒有準備罵我, 她心情不好只要誰幹麻她都罵. 電話想起, 找媽. 哈哈....趁他講電話把吸塵器放回去........ 原來是小五叫孝慈阿姨打電話找媽的... 哈哈哈 ~~~~


At 2:19 PM, Blogger NeoXaser said...



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