Sunday, May 06, 2007


昨天去了小白家. 聊天聊了將進4小時....

I dont know who created the following concept. but i think it is excellent....
E= employee = servant of other people
S= self employee = slave of self desire
B= Business owner = entrepreneur = your own boss
I= mature investor = freedom

My goal for the next five years = to be a business owner & create my own brand
My goal for the next ten years = enjoy freedom and life

And.... have an exit plan before business turn into dog

Goal setting process:
in ten years.....
1. who you are (personality)
2. what kind of friends you have
3. where you want to be
4. what kinds of quality of life you want to have

Premarrital sex & Marriage:
when you are finding a partner for life, if you are not married with this man and still busy building trust and emotional bound, why are you spending extra time to practice 嘿朽 ? whats the foundation of your marriage ?
If you just need a sex partner, go find a sex partner.

Religious Belief:
God exists is a fact.
which religion is real is unresolved issue. what is religion? should it change according to time?

Inform my decision:
I am going to Asia for good. after summer is over ....

Goodbye Vancouver !!


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