Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Rex Posted by Hello

Rex........ i love u still ~~~~~

trinity Posted by Hello

Easter Monday Night

trinity Posted by Hello

can't sleep...... for some reasons, i don't want to study tonight.... and do nothing..... and can't sleep.......... Easter monday, it was supposed to be a holiday, but i had to go to school to hand in assignment and attend a 3 hr lecture...... =.= they said private schools are different i made more add for trinity today, gonna post them in school tomorrow .... hope it will attract attention..... this ad is kind of cute i think..... i don't know what i m doing at this moment........ bored, tired, can't sleep ..............

Saturday, March 26, 2005

有夠累 III

原本期待這幾天可以開始實行10點睡覺的計劃以泡湯了.......... 昨天又是3am, 快昏倒才上床的.

昨晚有點生氣. 因為又再重寫 group project 了. 不明白的是, 怎麼那些人都不知道自己在幹麻呢??? 同學說或許是懶惰, 貪小便宜, 所以看中是group work, 他不做別人一定會做.
這裡不像是UBC, UBC做完group work之後都要填 evaluation sheet, 讓每個member寫大家的contribution 是多少. NYIT就沒有這樣, 大家都一樣的成績, 真的很不公平.
同學說, "你經驗不夠, 下次就知道了, 不要讓他們自己選, 給那些人寫不重要的part. 這樣就不用重寫那麼多了". 聽起來是有道理, 想一想還滿悲哀的.

花那麼多錢, 不想學習只想拿文憑的話, 因該拿那種correspondence呀. 幹麻來上這種功課多的學校? 又不做事, 累死別人!!

Friday, March 25, 2005

有趣 ~~

111 台灣男女嬰比 全球第一聯合新聞網 記者蘇秀慧/報導

即使在21世紀的台灣,重男輕女現象仍是有增無減;據財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會最新統計顯示,去年底底台灣出生嬰兒性比例(每百名女嬰相對男嬰人口數)高達111,明顯高於聯合國建議的正常值105,和南韓並列全球新生兒性比例最高國家;而且,台灣也存在被此一重男輕女所扼殺的「失蹤女孩」(missing girls)。亞洲除了日本,受傳統重男輕女觀念影響,普遍有生育前胎兒性別選擇行為,致使新生兒性比例偏高;諾貝爾經濟學家Amartya Sen稱這些性別偏好而被剝奪出生機會的女嬰為失蹤女孩(missing girls);估計在亞洲每年以百萬人次「失蹤女孩」從世界上「蒸發」。值得注意的是,近幾年來,國人晚婚、不婚風氣日盛,生育率持續低迷,更加凸顯台灣新生兒性別不平等現象。2003年出生嬰兒性比例110,和南韓相仿;2004年則攀升至111,可能已超越韓國。依聯合國「世界婦女狀況趨勢和統計數字」報告建議,正常值應介於105至106間,但台灣出生嬰兒性比例不僅明顯高於此,且較長期實施一胎化政策的中國大陸及其他國家高出許多。以2003為例,台灣、南韓出生嬰兒性比例為110,中國大陸為109、新加坡108、香港107、德國106,日本、英國、美國、加拿大、法國和澳洲都是105。婦權會分析,國人生育前選擇胎兒性別的習慣並未隨性別意識與教育提高而減輕,重男輕女觀念仍普遍存在於台灣社會;如果進一步從歷年胎次別性比例來看,也進一步印證國人「求男若渴」的生育信念。2003第一胎新生兒性比例為107.7,第二胎為108.9,第三胎為123.6,第四胎為139.7,第五胎122.2,足見生產胎次愈高,生男嬰的比例也愈高。婦權會強調,南韓出生嬰兒性比例偏高,已引起世界衛生組織(WHO)關注,台灣雖非WHO成員國,但「求男若渴」的生育偏好,勢將成為推展婦女人權和兩性平權上的障礙。

既然這樣, 怎麼台灣有很多單身的女性..........
那如果我嫁不出去, 回台灣相親, 命中率是多少?.......


there's something productive i did today.......
i did a presentation for my class, which was poorly done.
and i set up a bulletin board---- trinity ---- for people in my program to sell and buy used books more easily.

so far, no one has log on to this site yet.
u may want to ask me where does this idea comes from.....

um... i was only thinking about my own convenience. i always hope that people will come to tell me what textbook they want to sell, so i don't have to read all the bulletin boards in school to see if anyone is selling the book i need. so i spent 2 hrs doing this thing......

why trinity? um..... i don't know, i love this name since i have seen the Matrix. trinity also means God, holy spirit and Christ......

Thursday, March 24, 2005


記得從3月中開始, 熬夜就變成生活的一部分. 3點4點睡以便成一整習慣.
為了今天要做presentation的project. 好多天都沒怎麼睡.
昨天終於稱不住了. 頭痛+ 狂吐+ 心臟跳到快掉出來了. 小小一顆止痛藥雖救我一晚, 但不能這樣惡性循環...............
這學期差不多快結束了. 下星期就要開始考final了.......
但我決定了. 剩下的2星期, 不管多忙, 要讀多少書. 10~11點我一定要睡覺. 不然MBA讀完, 我也差不多要進醫院了.......

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Jeffrey, 我本來就是很有學問的人 ^^".

一個人背著十字架往各各他山上, 鞭傷, 菳蒺冠, 釘十字架....
一切的痛苦從這一天到他死. 為的不是他自己.

我一直都沒看耶穌受難記, 因為我知道我只會從頭哭到尾. 任何人不論麼原因要遭受這樣的苦難都會讓我不捨. 想到耶穌, 一個從未犯罪的人, 為了拯救世上千萬的罪人獻上了自己..........
我想不相信耶穌是真的的人看了耶穌受難記也會落淚. 就只是感同身受, 也會難過.

據說, 東政教較為嚴謹, 從耶穌受難週到復活節都不可Party......
ㄟ, Long weekend 呢...... Party 一下下就好......
耶穌我還是愛你喔 ~~~~


因我們還軟弱的時候、基督就按所定的日期為罪人死。為義人死、是少有的、為仁人死、或者有敢作的。 惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死、 神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。 現在我們既靠著他的血稱義、就更要藉著他免去 神的忿怒。 因為我們作仇敵的時候、且藉著 神兒子的死、得與 神和好、既已和好、就更要因他的生得救了。不但如此、我們既藉著我主耶穌基督、得與 神和好、也就藉著他、以 神為樂。 (羅馬書 5: 6~11)
For while we were yet weak, in due season Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: for peradventure for the good man some one would even dare to die. But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from the wrath [of God] through him. For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved by his life; and not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. (Romans 5:6~11)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Good night Vancouver

Vancouver from the 24th floor~ Posted by Hello

yesterday at Daisuke's apt, we took this pictcure.....
I always want to live in downtown, always love the night view of Vancouver city......
Daisuke already got used to it, he just complains how noisy downtown is at night and get ready to move out..... =.="

Friday, March 18, 2005

ALL Posted by Hello

剛去Coquitlam Center拍passport photo. 結果, 因為我的臉會反光, 所以只能用黑白照. 拍的有夠醜, 還要20塊, 搶錢........ 等照片時買了一個小像框...... 剛好可以裝這張...... ^^
有一次奶奶來溫哥華, 我們去拍的卡. 烏漆媽黑的是我小弟啦, 站太近, 就看不見了.........

真的不能再走進 Urban Behavior 了. 每次進去買不到3件以上的衣服是不可能走出來的. 到底發生了麼事??? Urban Behavior 's targeting young adults, i guess 14 to 25...... everything is so cheap in price and fsahion forward in style..... sizes are small small small..... so because comparing with canadian, i m short and thin, everything in the store is made for me ....... except pants, i still need to shorten them...... most women at my age like to dress like modern and mature, but me, i like bright colors that shows a little youthness and a little style......

boring Thursday

it is very strange that I have heard people complainig for being bored and lazy today, even include my self..... hum ~~~~~ what a strange day~~ so i don't have to feel guilty for being lazy and not productive for the whole day i guess.....

不知道為神麼------ 很想吃科學麵..........

有件事瞞奇怪的........ 沒男朋友時異性緣還滿好的, 但是, 我有興趣的對我沒興趣, 我不喜歡的還滿積極的....... 是怎樣???麻煩..... 相反一下不就不麻煩了嗎

Thursday, March 17, 2005

depress for no reason ~~

feeling strange these day
busy busy busy and lazy lazy lazy...... i didn't do anything since sunday.....
didnt finished researching for my project, didn't do Econ assignment, didn't do computer assignment and didn't do any readings at all......
felt sick yesterday, drank two big glasses of hot water then went to bed early last night.......
went to school late, couldn't concentrate on anything, rushed out of the room and forgot to say thank u and goodbye to the prof after she explained stuff to me..... =.=
don't know how to smile today..... very strange
on my way to T&T with my friend in downtown, got hit by a woman in the arm, and she called me bitch.... um, she looks like those beggar, a little bit dirty and smelly... i could tell that she hit my in purpose, and probably called me bitch in purpose, too. hope she feels better about herself after doing so.....
night is young, but i don't want to do any work.........

Daisuke san, u are a romantic and talented man, u will find the right woman in ur life one day, don't be sad because she is leaving..... u have friends here, and u have me

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


唉呀~~~1. 今天發econ的考卷, 考的比想像中爛, 不對, 應該說別人考的比我想像中好..... =.=
總之, 班上有幾個天才, 考了140多分, 本姑娘只考了112 =.= 希望沒多少人考120~140, 這樣我還有希望拿B+........
唉呀~~~2. 晚上拿出了spa做臉, 買了很少用, 貞浪費錢
今天用時Spa機在右邊的臉Beep了三聲 =.= 糟糕..... 我的spa機內含聰明的小電腦. 可分別皮膚狀況. Beep一聲是健康, 2聲是小心喔, 3聲是 o , o 糟透了.......... ><" 我每天都4點睡啊. 右邊臉長痘痘又毛孔粗大到不行...... 看來不努力做臉, 一陣子之後人家就不會再說小五是我哥了啦 ~~~~~

Sunday, March 13, 2005

BBQ & Group Meeting

hobby ran away Posted by Hello

some people envy my group becuase of thie special BBQ meeting.....
i didn't wanna go downtown on sat for meeting, so i invited them to come to my house, since it is so far way, we might as well do something fun.... BBQ
my mom went shopping with me for 3 hrs to buy BBQ stuff... i prepared everything until 11:30 last night..... then shower, then prepared for the meeting until 4am.... slept until 9:30
then picked up Ying to help me out with vegies......
today's BBQ was very nice.... we had fun and we got work done...... nice....... i guess they didn't drink enough amount of Beer !!
we forgot to take picture during the BBQ, i guess everyone was busy eating so no one remmebered....... which means i did a good job preparing , heehee ~~~~
daisuke, too bad u didn't come.... but we didn't play pingpang~~~ come next time ......

how short am i ~~~ Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 10, 2005



這學期還剩4星期,減去final exam week,在未來的三星期,我需要做2個presentation, 1個paper, 2個assignments for computer, 1個quiz, and 3 more assingment for Economics.......
wow !~~~~~~ i guess i should start now .... no time to waste...... >.<"


hobby with clothes on Posted by Hello

早上起床發現hobby在沙發上依偎在老爸身旁, 身上還蓋著爸的外套..... 可見剃了毛還不習慣溫哥華的冷空氣, 因為平常他不喜歡跟爸當好朋友.......

下午下了課,自己去metrotwon閒逛.因為日本人上班, 死Jeffrey又懶惰.找了好久終於找到寵物店,幫hobby買了這件綠毛衣,size 剛好,還滿可愛的.然後去了urban behavior幫自己買了4件. =.=" 在那裡跟一個很帥氣的白人聊了一下,他大概30多歲吧,超成熟,有點像電視裡的明星.講不出像誰,因為白人對我來說都長的很像... 但我可以分辨好看不好看!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

寶貝別生氣, 抱一下嘛 ~~~

hobby ---- 剪毛後Posted by Hello

早上9點起床. 帶hobby去美容....... 騙他上了車以後, 開到那裡, 拖他進去. 他一向不喜歡剪毛.......
下午4:00, 接他回來, 下了車就不理我了. 生氣我帶他去剪毛. 因為全身打結, 被減了一個大光頭.......
可能自尊心受創, 覺得自己沒毛不好看, 下午不願意去散步, 在門口上了廁所就躲回家.
一向毛多怕熱的他, 現在也趴在沙發上取暖了....... 晚上一定會幫他準備被子......
跟台灣比起來, 這裡寵物美容價位高多了. 下次回台灣一定要跟姊姊好好學一下. 省下美容錢, Hobby可以多吃一點.......

hobby ---- 剪毛前 Posted by Hello

Monday, March 07, 2005


作詞:黃偉文 作曲:雷頌德

是否很驚訝 講不出說話 沒錯我是說 你想分手嗎  
曾給你馴服得 就像綿羊 何解會反咬你一下 你知嗎
也許該反省 不應再說話 被放棄的我 應有此報嗎  
如果我曾是個壞個牧羊人 能否再讓我 試一下 抱一下

回頭望 伴你走 從來未曾幸福過
恨太多 沒結果 往事重提是折磨
下半生 陪住你 懷疑快樂也不多
被我傷 讓你痛

好心一早放開我 從頭努力也坎坷 通通不要好過
為何唱著這首歌 為怨恨而分手 問你是否原諒我
若註定有一點苦楚 不如自己親手割破

回頭吧 不要走 不要這樣離開我 恨太多 沒結果 往事重提是折磨
下半生 陪住你 懷疑快樂也不多 沒有心 別再拖 

好心一早放開我 重頭努力也坎坷 統統不要好過
為何唱著這首歌 為怨恨而分手 問你是否原諒我
若勉強也分到不多 不如甚麼也摔破

好心分手 每天播

難行就無謂再拖 好心一早放開我 重頭努力也坎坷 通通不要好過
為何唱著這首歌 為怨恨而分手 問你是否原諒我
若註定有一點苦楚 不如自己親手割破

知道他只愛自己, 無法承諾愛你....... 早點分手..........

Sunday, March 06, 2005


前天去同學家吃きのごご飯, 今天去同學家烤肉.......
大概吃了我一個星期的份吧, 也喝了2個月份的汽水........ 肚子真是怪怪的

昨天脖子痛了一天, 哭了半天....... 真是要人命

明天早上要去飲茶, 要去睡了..... 8181

剛剛還記得要跟小五說些啥...現在就忘了 >.<"

Friday, March 04, 2005

midterms are done, and not too bad
the first big project presentation for FINC is done today as well...
prof said we are gonna get A !!
i was glad cause i spent so much time organizing, and helping my group members to fix slides and help them prepare presentation and paper stuff.....


today, i had dinner with some friends in an apt in downtown...we made きのごごはん. it tasted so good.... and we made it without a rice cooker...so it had a natural burn taste... not really burn... just smell like it......


midterms are done, and not too bad
the first big project presentation for FINC is done today as well...
prof said we are gonna get A !!
i was glad cause i spent so much time organizing, and helping my group members to fix slides and help them prepare presentation and paper stuff.....


today, i had dinner with some friends in an apt in downtown...we made きのごごはん. it tasted so good.... and we made it without a rice cooker...so it had a natural burn taste... not really burn... just smell like it......


midterms are done, and not too bad
the first big project presentation for FINC is done today as well...
prof said we are gonna get A !!
i was glad cause i spent so much time organizing, and helping my group members to fix slides and help them prepare presentation and paper stuff.....


today, i had dinner with some friends in an apt in downtown...we made きのごごはん. it tasted so good.... and we made it without a rice cooker...so it had a natural burn taste... not really burn... just smell like it......


最近internet很不穩.... 貞麻煩

midterms are done, and not too bad
the first big project presentation for FINC is done today as well...
prof said we are gonna get A !!
i was glad cause i spent so much time organizing, and helping my group members to fix slides and help them prepare presentation and paper stuff.....


today, i had dinner with some friends in an apt in downtown...we made きのごごはん. it tasted so good.... and we made it without a rice cooker...so it had a natural burn taste... not really burn... just smell like it......



first presenatation for FINC is done as welll......
heehee, the prof told me, we will get A for this project for my goup.... i m very happy with that, cause i spent so much time organizing it... and helping my group members to prepare slides, and presentations and wrote a lot on the report......
不過不理他..... 以後都不跟他說話.....

今天去朋友家, 我們做きのごごはん當晚餐. 用鍋子煮飯ㄋ, 沒糊喔 ~~~~~