Tuesday, July 26, 2005

wow.......... almost the end of july le......
haven't updated my blog for about 2 weeks.....
went to tofino la...... for 3 days..... long beach, hot spring.........
um... i don't have Joe's pic... um.... very funny.... oh..... he pissed me of on the first day... so i didn't wanna take pic with him.... so i always took pic with ying... but ignore Joe.... :P

um?? which one is he ? the second picture la..... not tall, not handsome... but takes care of me very well

i m leaving on sunday..... i think this is my last summer before i start working AGAIN
i m glad i came back to vancouver..... i m glad i studied MBA......
life is wonderful if u accept the changes not resist them....

last week of this term.... i have 2 exams and 1 paper to go........

going home..... Posted by Picasa

i am a killerwhale Posted by Picasa

guess what,,,, Posted by Picasa

stanley & Bryan Posted by Picasa

ying Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

BBQ invitation

UBC + NYIT friends la .....

Jason, Jeffrey, Ken, Dina, Stanley, Ying, Joe, Bryan, Jay
who did i miss????

July 22, my home!

oops... no pretty girls ne ..... um..... guys, bring ur own girls and beer .....

oh, i finally finished my damn paper.........
i hate the prof......... =.="
one more paper for this course.........

Sunday, July 10, 2005


今天的講道題目很有趣 ---- 尊重婚姻 & 愛的誡命第七誡:不可姦淫
我覺得很有趣是因為出門前才在看兩代電力公司. 討論父母與子女關係問題.
七年級生說, "有本事爽, 有本事生, 就要有本事養". 我個人還滿同意的....

anyway. 我們來看看牧師說了啥.....

(一) 愛是甚麼
愛是神所賜, 是感覺, 關心, 看重對方, 保護對方, 全然擺上
精神上的吸引力, 造成做事不專心

(二) 聖經中的愛
Eros: Romantic love, more physical involvement
Phillios: spiritual
Agape: 神才有的愛, 是神對我們的付出

(三) 真愛運動 : "婚前沒有性行為, 婚後沒有婚外情"
牧師交代如果你已犯了前項, 請務必守住後項喔! 尊重維護婚姻....

歌林多前書 6/12-20, 7/2-5: 愛是為神保守自己
羅馬書 7/14-23: 誘惑與試探, 實際都是罪引發的
已弗所書5/1-6: 如何勝過試探 ---> 如何抗拒性的誘惑, 以免犯下第七誡:不可姦淫, 如何再同儕與異性中處理性的壓力, 為神與另一半守貞.

創世紀第四章提到"同房". 這兩個字的實際意義是 : 睡覺, 躺下, 性關係, 認識對方!


六年級生說, 不論父母怎樣對你都要孝順父母
七年級生說, 他怎樣對我, 我怎樣對他, 有本事生, 有本事養

我贊成7年級生的說法. 父母有應有的責任. 養育及教育子女是應該做的.
是, 父母努力賺錢都是為了孩子, 但是父母不在身邊, 寂寞恐懼偏差行為, 難道孩子自己承擔過錯?
小孩應當孝順父母. 父母的定義為何? 生我者父母也? 育我者父母也? 虐我者父母也?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

viki~ Posted by Picasa

BBQ yo Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


was chatting with him on msn again.......
愛のつらさ is whats in his nickname
my instinct told me that he is in love with somebody, due to the fear of uncertainty he is not making any moves yet..... my instinct was right, i had it confirmed
i thought i might feel alittle bit uncomfortable to hear this, however, i didn't feel a thing. my heart was so calm and clearly feeling his business has nothing to do with me ..... ha
i thought 4.5 years was long, thought i loved him that long.... i guess not......

so what is wrong with me a year ago ???
probably just wounded ego, crying for the failing self.....
what is love ? what is relationship ? do i love me or do i love him ?
stupid questions are hard to answer
you must been though everything to know the truth
after years, look back at that point in life to understand what really happened
good or bad

so what did i learn?
everything i read in the book is true
having a confusing self is true
denying the fact is true
failure is true
til this point
what do i do?
the uncertainty is definately the hardness of love
do we withdraw from love due to the fear of uncertainty?
or do we resume?

where am i ?
the repeated pattern doesn't seem so good
where do i go ?
how will it end?
should i continue?

Friday, July 01, 2005
